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To clear a few things up, I have received a few harsh emails and tweeted suggestions that I am just some hired gun defending Jeremy Piven, which is not true. I met Jeremy eight years ago when I helped produce an event in Dallas for The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard in conjunction with Paramount’s local promotion and publicity arm. Our interchange was brief and very professional. Although Jeremy may know now whom I am because of exposing Ariane Bellamar and her nefarious plan, he would likely not have otherwise recognized me if I had seen him again.

11/28/2017 I by  Tom Stokes   Press Release 

Best viewed on desktop to properly see all evidence. 

To clarify a few things, I have received a few abusive emails and tweeted suggestions that I am just some hired gun defending Jeremy Piven, which is invalid. I met Jeremy eight years ago when I helped produce an event in Dallas for The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard in conjunction with Paramount’s local promotion and publicity arm. Our interchange was brief and very professional. Although Jeremy may know now whom I am because of exposing Ariane Bellamar and her nefarious plan, he would likely not have otherwise recognized me if I had seen him again.

And now there’s a woman that our young daughters, friends, moms, sisters, and a lot of women admire. Emily Lindin works with Teen Vogue and is very influential with women, especially young teenagers: 




Here’s a potentially harmful quote via a recent tweet: "Here’s an unpopular opinion: I’m actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault or harassment allegations.”  


She has since hidden the tweet so others can’t engage in the conversation but not before others have let her know that they find what she said dangerously.


Update:11/30/2017 Emily has made her tweet public again stating she only blocked her account because she didn't want to have bots following her. She denies any wrongdoing, never apologized, doesn't see where her opinion could affect her following judgments, and has been very cocky about it all. 


It’s unfortunate to have this element taken away from such a positive movement, but it would be naïve to think that no woman is exploiting the goodness of #MeToo for their own personal and selfish gains.


So to those #MeToo activists that have been tweeting and messaging me, calling me names, and even the anonymous calls that have said that I “need to die,” you do not know me and I will never stop fighting Bellamar and her gang of #MeToo abusers because it’s an honorable fight and one I know I can win. I cannot stand on the sidelines and watch as these women conspire together to publicly convict an innocent man. 



I hope that others will stand with me as we fight back.


Tom Stokes


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